GOALS: The Nova Cena project aimed to create a comprehensive brand identity for a new bakery and restaurant located in the Third Ward of Milwaukee and the Village of Wauwatosa. The primary objective was to develop a unique and memorable brand that would stand out in these vibrant, culturally rich neighborhoods. This included everything from naming the business to designing its visual identity and brand materials. The name "Nova Cena" was carefully chosen to represent a fresh and modern dining experience, reflecting the restaurant’s focus on innovative culinary offerings while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for the community.
RESULTS: The branding for Nova Cena successfully delivered a distinctive and cohesive identity that resonated with its target audience. The name "Nova Cena" set the foundation for the brand, encapsulating the essence of new and exciting culinary experiences. The visual identity, including the logo, color scheme, and typography, was crafted to evoke a sense of warmth and artisanal quality, aligning with the bakery’s commitment to high-quality ingredients and innovative recipes. Nova Cena became a beloved spot in both the Third Ward and Wauwatosa, known for its inviting atmosphere and exceptional offerings, contributing to the unique culinary fabric of these neighborhoods.